How To Install Php 5.4 With Apache 2.2

How to Install and Configure PHP 5 to Run with Apache on Windows by Christopher Heng, Many web developers want to run Apache and PHP on their own computer since it allows them to easily test their scripts and programs before they put them 'live' on the Internet. This article gives a step by step guide on how you can install and configure PHP5 to work together with the Apache HTTP Server on Windows. The procedure has been tested to work on both Windows XP and Vista. If you have not already installed Apache on your machine, check out one of the guides listed below. Hp Scanjet 5400c Windows Vista more. This 'How To' guide assumes that you have already completed installing Apache.
Apache simply will not start with the added PHP configuration in httpd.conf.if I comment out all PHP configuration Apache starts with no issues. EDIT Updated php.ini to forward slashes.
• If you just want a quick and easy way to install the latest versions of Apache, PHP and MySQL, you may want to consider using my other guide. It's really much easier, since it uses a package that has all those software integrated and pre-configured. It's also more up-to-date than this article, since it uses the current versions of Apache, PHP and MySQL. • If you are using Apache 1. Driver Epson Lx 810l Para Xpadder on this page. 3.x, see the guide.
• If you plan to use one of the Apache 2 or 2.2 web servers on Windows XP, see the tutorial instead. • If you are using Apache 2.2 on Windows Vista, please read. Note: those planning to install PHP 4 on Apache 1.x should read my article instead.
Steps to Setting Up PHP 5 • Download PHP 5 Before you begin, get a copy of PHP 5 from. In particular, download the VC6 thread-safe zip package from the 'Windows Binaries' section — that is, don't get the installer. For example, select the package labelled 'PHP 5.2.5 zip package' if 5.2.5 is the current version. Update: note that I have not tested the procedure below with any of the PHP 5.3 versions, only with 5.2.5, which was the latest version at the time I originally wrote this. In theory, the procedure should work with later 5.2 versions as well.
I'm not sure about 5.3 though. A version jump from 5.2 to 5.3 usually means bigger changes than simple bug fixes. If you want to be sure the procedure below will work, just get the latest of the 5.2 series. • Install PHP 5 Create a folder on your hard disk for PHP.
I suggest 'c: php' although you can use other names if you wish. Personally though, I prefer to avoid names with spaces in it, like 'c: Program Files php' to avoid potential problems with programs that cannot handle such things. I will assume that you used c: php in this tutorial. Extract all the files from the zip package into that folder. To do that simply double-click the zip file to open it, and drag all the files and folders to c: php. • Upgraders: Remove the Old PHP.INI File from Your Windows Directory If you are upgrading to PHP 5 from an older version, go to your windows directory, typically c: windows, and delete any php.ini file that you have previously placed there. • Configuring PHP Go to the c: php folder and make a copy of the file 'php.ini-recommended'.