Backup And Restore Hp Procurve Switch Configuration Examples
Re: Procurve config backup I am trying to configure rancid for hp 2530-8g switch, it works fine when there is no login configured on switch. But as soon as I set. VSphere Data Protection Install Backup and Restore. Netapp Disk Shelf Cabling Examples. HP Procurve Networking Configuration will be done via the CLI and.

Back-up of an existing config If you are performing a backup a config from another switch, two ways of downloading the configuration is through GUI and CLI (via TFTP) via GUI: (System ->Updates/Download ->Configuration File (Highlight config name and click Download) via CLI. Hp Insight Management Wbem Providers Software Download on this page. (you need to set up a TFTP server on a machine) switch# copy running-config tftp filename.pcc ============== Default Settings and Configurations of an Aruba/HP Procurve switch In the factory default configuration, the switch has no IP (Internet Protocol) address and subnet mask, and no passwords. In this state, it can be managed only through a direct CONSOLE connection (How to connect to Console? Eddie Bauer Car Seat 22 740 Hpn Manual Dexterity. Php Mysqli Extension Is Missing Windows 7 there. To manage the switch through inband (networked) access, you should configure the switch with an IP address and subnet mask compatible with your network. Also, you should configure a Manager password to control access privileges from the console and Web browser interface.