Wmic Get Printer Serial Number

I am an employee of a company whom sells and services printers and copiers. We utilize FMAudit to collect information about network connected printers but the locally attached(USB) printers' serial number isn't retrievable through FMAudit's solution. Is there any way that I can create a batch file to retrieve this information and hopefully report it to our SQL server in the format that it would understand? If not a batch file, which I'm sure it's more complicated than that, which language should I use to retrieve and report as discussed above? I would need this to be capable of being pushed through Active Directory without interaction from the end user's PC(which is connected to the printer). Flashpaq 2815 Manual.
Jan 23, 2015 Hi, is it possible to get in which port the printers are installed (in a computer) with the wmic tool? Thanks a lot. This guide is a quickie on how you can use a batch file to retrieve asset tag and / or serial number information for a Dell desktop or laptop. This recipe assumes that the Dell computer has had its asset tag entered into the BIOS. Note, not all computer motherboards use this field in WMIC but Dell.
Just to reinforce what Matt says above, SMS_DEF.mof has nothing to do with network discovery. Network discovery is one of the discovery methods available for finding resources on a network, in this case valid network endpoints. Discoveries do not interrogate those resources extensively, they merely find them and create resources in the database for them. The AD based discoveries return some additional details because those details are already in AD and the network discovery can return some information on Windows systems. SMS_DEF. Aplikasi Facebook Hp Nokia X2 02. mof controls which WMI classes and attributes that ConfigMgr queries and retrieves during a HW inventory. Because printers, even local printers, don't report details like their serial numbers to Windows, there is no way by default to get this information using ConfigMgr -- none of the printer classes I reviewed had a any type of serial number attribute.
Also, because ConfigMgr itself doesn't manage printers, there is nothing really built in to achieve this. You could conceivably create a HW inventory extension, but that extension would depend on some outside process to retrieve the serial number which is dependent on the printers in your environment. Jason Twitter @JasonSandys. You might be interested in, or the dataldr scripts to gather information about 'what network printer resources is this user connected to'. The sccmexpert scripts are NOT designed to gather info about printer serial numbers (for example). The dataldr printer script is designed to help determine 'who uses the network printer available as PrintServerName PrinterName From a Configmgr Hardware Inventory standpoint, what you can gather (by default) regarding printers is information related to the computer -- i.e., locally connected printers (LPT1:, USB, or explicitly defined via tcp/ip port, or other local printers like XPS). To leverage information about printer connections a User of that computer may elect to make, that requires a 3rd-party custom script to run to gather that information and place it in a location available to hardware Inventory to pick up.
Sherry's links are great places to start. Also, you'll need to know WMI and VBScript, JScript, or some other means to get data from wherever it is stored on the printer into WMI. Another example of this is from Sherry's blog (courtesy of John Marcum): This solutions uses a VBScript run on every Dell system which contacts the Dell website to retrieve the shipping date (and other warranty info) and put that info into WMI where the HW inventory grabs it and puts it into the ConfigMgr DB. Most printers have a management web site these days so I suspect you could conceptually do something similar. Jason Twitter @JasonSandys. Just to reinforce what Matt says above, SMS_DEF.mof has nothing to do with network discovery. Network discovery is one of the discovery methods available for finding resources on a network, in this case valid network endpoints.