True Bug Php Encoder V2 0 4

请点击以下的链接下载该软件: TrueBug PHP Encoder v1.0.4 (源代码的应用软件) 点这里下载 → 此软件暂不提供下载. V2.1.0. Hp Compaq 6005 Pro Sff Pc Driver. rar; True.
Software Description: TrueBug PHP Obfuscator and PHP Encoder is for PHP application developers use to protect their source codes from modification, the Obfuscate functional will replace class, function, and variable names in PHP source codes with md5-hashes, making source code harder to understand and reverse engineering. Driver Pack Printershare Mobile on this page. The Software also includes simple PHP Encoder engine to encode through the source code by using byte-code technique, and no loader is required to install on the server machine. Software Requirements: No special requirements This software is designed to run on the following operating systems: Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows 98, Windows 95, Windows 2003, Windows 2000 Download Link of TrueBug PHP Obfuscator & Encoder 1.1.0: • (File Size: 604.0 KB) Screenshot Reviews Summary: Show All Reviews (0) Overall Rating: Ease Of Use: Functionality: Price: TrueBug PHP Obfuscator & Encoder related software Title / Version / Description Size License Price.
TrueBug PHP Encoder v1.0.4 (源代码的应用软件) [imgTrueBug PHP Encoder Protects PHP 是一款用于进行安全配置而不会暴露源代码的应用软件。PHP 编码器可以完全编码和配置 PHP4 和 PHP5。使用该软件编码的 PHP 代码可以防止被未经授权篡改和窃取。编码还可以防止黑客窥视你的代码以寻找安全漏洞。 TrueBug PHP Encoder protects PHP applications for secure deployment, without exposing the source code. PHP Encoder allows encoding PHP scripts before distributing them. The script code is encrypted before saving. PHP code that is encoded by this application is protected against unauthorized modification and theft.
Encoding also prevents hackers from looking into your code to find security weaknesses. Features: * Powerful and fast encryption to protect your files * Fully encode and deploy for both PHP4 and PHP5 * Run scripts under virtual hosting accounts with no change to the default php installation * Require no changes to the standard web server installation * Free minor upgrades.