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PHP is one of the most server site scripting language used all over the world. Today we are going to discuss the basic questionnaire for freshers. When you are going for interview these below questions and answers are must for every one. You can also enjoy free PDF to download with. PHP is server side scripting language.

It is the most widely used web technology to create dynamic web pages. There are many PHP based frameworks and Open sources available for free to use. Some examples include WordPress, Drupal, Laravel etc. We can embed PHP with HTML and can further write server-side code with PHP for web development.
What is the full form of PHP? Acronym for PHP is: Hypertext Preprocessor earlier called(Personal Home Page). It is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language. Especially suited for web development related to dynamic nature of websites. Which is the latest version of PHP?
Stable release: 7.1.4 / 13 Apr 2017; • Q4. Who is known as the father of PHP? Rasmus Lerdorf, is considered as the father of PHP. When was PHP developed? PHP as it’s known today is actually the successor to a product named PHP/FI. Created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf, the very first incarnation of PHP was a simple set of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) binaries written in the C programming language. Source Code Sistem Informasi Akademik Kampus Berbasis Web Dengan Php.
This tutorial shows how to create a dynamic Web site using PHP and MySQL and is targeted to developers who are new to PHP and MySQL. PHP Tutorial (PDF 22P) Chu- Cheng Hsieh. Excellent for the beginner especially when being used with a good tutorial. Hi, thank you for the free pdf download of your book.
• You can read full history on Url i.e.• Q6. Name offical website of PHP? What are the extensions of PHP File? • A7..php,.phtml,.php3,.php4,.php5,.php7,.phps. What language is PHP written in? That separate program, the PHP interpreter, is itself written in C. C# is a compiled language, but it is not compiled to machine code.
Instead, it is compiled to a specialist language, byte code, to be run on a virtual machine. Java is another example of such a setup. • Q9. What is a PHP File? A PHP file contains HTML tags, server side code, scripts and text. Files with.php extension can contain text, HTML tags and scripts.
Code between the php script tags i.e “” is processed by server and then it is returned in the HTML form in User’s browser. A web browser understands only HTML language. Tell how PHP sends output to Browser? OR How a file is processed when it sends output to browser? It works in below way 1. Open website 2.
Usb Modem Driver Hp Cross T1 there. Request send to server of 3. Call PHP Files. PHP Scripts are loaded into memory and compiled into Zend opcode. These opcodes are executed and the HTML generated. Same HTML is send back to Browser. By default PHP Session variable ends the as user closes the browser • Q12. What are cookies in PHP?
Cookies are the files that are used to identify user via Server. As user opens a url Server embeds a small files on the user’s computer on which the specific information is taken as identification to mark the visit accordingly. What are arrays in PHP?
Arrays in PHP are defined as data structure which can hold multiple values within one single variable. What are different types of errors in PHP? There are three basic types of errors in PHP which are described below:• 1.Notices: There are non-critical errors as their behavior is non-existent and doesn’t affect the page load at all. Hp Service Pack For Proliant Spp Firefox on this page.
Not shown to user at all. • 2.Warnings: These warnings can be seen by users but still not result in script termination. • 3.Fatal errors: These are critical errors which can terminate the whole function altogether • Q15. What is use of in_array() function in PHP? This in_array() function is used to check if a value exists in array • Q16. What is use of count() function in PHP? This count() function is used to count all elements within any array or object • Q17.