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» » How to set a song your ringtone on HP Elite x3 All the news on in our articles. How to set a song your ringtone on your HP Elite x3? Are you tired of hearing the same ringtone for calls and SMS each time your HP Elite x3 is ringing?
Do you want more cheerfulness when you hear your HP Elite x3 ring? You could make it meet your expectations. This page is made for you as we offer you an article about customizing the ringtones of your HP Elite x3. Reset Epson Adjustment Program R290.

We will explain to you first, how to put a music for an incoming call, then a music in SMS ringtone. Third, we’ll see how to set a different ringtone to more easily identify a contact, before concluding on third-party applications allowing you to do so. How to make a music ringing on your HP Elite x3? It is true that it is more pleasant to hear your favorite music sound on an incoming call, rather than the classic music originally installed on your HP Elite x3: this standard music can become annoying just by hearing it.
That’s why we’re going to explain here how to put a music as a ringtone on your HP Elite x3. First, go to the settings of your device and then go to the “Device” section. From there, you just have to click on “Sounds” and then on “Ringtone”. You have finally arrived at the modification of the ringtone of your HP Elite x3. A window will appear in front of you, from there you can simply press “Media Storage”, where all your music is recorded. Within all your files, select one, the one you prefer as a ringtone.