Microsoft Maps Pushpin

Pushpins, sometimes known as MapIcons or Markers, are the primary method in the Bing Maps V8 Map Control to add a graphical image and text at a location within the map. To get your pushpin to look pixel-perfect, you'll also want to review how to anchor your pushpins to make them align with the chosen location on a map.
A PDF version of this migration guide can be downloaded. 1.0 Introduction This guide is designed to support you in your Bing Maps migration from version 7 to version 8. This resource provides detailed comparisons between the JavaScript API of these two versions of Bing Maps as well as comparative code samples, migration suggestions and best practices for migrating your code to the newest version of Bing Maps. As you read this document you should gain an understanding of the benefits of Bing Maps v8 and how to leverage it in your existing mapping applications. 1.1 Why Bing Maps v8? The version 7 of Bing Maps has been around for over 6 years.
Version 8 of Bing Maps was just recently released and offers numerous advantages over v7, many of which are highlighted in section 2. Canon Ae 1 Serial Number Years To Keep there. 0 What’s New in Bing Maps V8 of this document. Hp Data Protector Express Keygen Software more. The Bing Maps v8 web control is the recommended migration path from v7. Version 8 is over 80% backwards compatible with the v7 control which should help minimize the effort involved in migrating apps. The Bing Maps V8 control contains several new innovative features and functionalities and there is a well laid out roadmap for bring new features to V8 on a regular basis. Faster and more fluid map control When it comes to performance, the v8 is miles ahead of v7. Version 8 is capable of rendering much more data in less time than version 7.
Download Wireless Driver For Hp Compaq Presario Cq57 on this page. When dealing with small data sets on a standard browser this might not be as noticeable, but if you need to display a large data set or are using a mobile browser this performance increase makes a larger impact. Increased culture support Version 7 supported 22 different culture codes (languages).