Install Mac Os X On Hp Probook 4540s Replacement

Hello Everyone, I am trying to install the Mac OS X Mountain Lion (Niresh Distro) 10.8.2 in my HP Probook 4540s but it gets stuck at ' still waiting for root device'. I tried various BIOS configurations and boot flags like debug=8, AHCIDisk=1, GraphicsEnabler=Yes/No, hp (this flag was provided in niresh's guide) and many others in different combinations but none seem to be working. Buku Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Suharsimi Arikunto Pdf Printer. Can anyone help me with this? System: IntelĀ® Core i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz 4GB DDR3 RAM (Single Channel) 750 GB SATA HDD GFX-Intel HD Graphics 4000 @ 2 GB GFX- AMD Radeon 7650 @ 2 GB. From 'OS X support kexts,' select only the version that matches your laptop (4x30s, 4x40s, etc).
- From 'DSDT generator/patcher' select your 'ProBook model,' a 'Fan behavior' that matches your preferences, and your 'Display type.' Note: you must select one option from each of the first three groups to generate a patched DSDT. Idt Audio Driver Hp Beats 15. In addition, you must have no DSDT present in /Extra/dsdt.aml at the time you run this option. If you wish to regenerate a DSDT later, you must remove /Extra/dsdt.aml, reboot, and then run the ProBook Installer using your desired DSDT options.