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And i tell you one of interesting java games. So don't wait anymore. Let's see it. If you like download game java you may also like Lots of football games on the mobile category, but I say with honesty that Real Football series is the best in terms of gameplay.
Gameloft has released Real Football for the 2012 edition. 'Rich with features, with exceptional field of action, Real Football 2011 is one of the best mobile games this season.' So, see what the new game will offer sequel Real Football 2012.
New Features In this season, Real Football 2012 give many new features to dijelajaih, including improved graphics, and a view of 'landscape' for touchscreen phones. Players also have a way of celebration of a goal that you can modify yourself.
You could could feel the atmosphere in the stadium Real Football 2012 further improved to be more alive. Supporters were present to express their mood more real, as if they were throwing ornament joy, or shout 'Boo' if they do not like your game. Game Mode There are 9 leagues and 245 teams to play. If you use a non-touch phone, you can see the view of the diagonal. There will be a tutorial when you play RF2012, try to access the 'TUTORIAL' if you want to be more adept at passing and shooting the ball. The thing I liked the ease of the game Real Football was playing with the buttons on the already specified their role, if compared to PES (Pro Evolution Soccer), which does not have many tricks. There are several modes in the game: Club Master Start with your team in the bottom division and led the team to victory in every championship.
World Tour Walking around the world to challenge the best teams. Enter the Legend Play as one player and try to be the best footballer of all time. League Choose one of the national team or a club and played the entire season to be champions. Cup Taking part in an international cup or trophy club. You can also play the European Cup 2012 in this play mode.