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July 9, 2013 I came across this interesting interview from the Dutch technology magazine ‘De Ingenieur’ with Enrico Dini and translated it for you to read. Hp 825c Driver Windows 7 64 Bit. He was the first to built a working 3D printer for printing buildings and became world famous as “The Man Who Prints Houses’. Enrico Dini had the brilliant idea of producing layered art structures and parts of buildings but the development of his machine and promotion of his ideas cost him his private life. Yet he pushed on through. For years now, Enrico Dini is flying the world over to speak at conferences and to meet private investors.
He is a regular visitor at world- famous architects like Foster + Partners and the Dutch UNStudio. Dini is a nomad who spreads the gospel of 3D printing, to those who will listen. We speak with the Italian during an event about 3D printing at the RDM Campus in Rotterdam. His pre- presentation was the main course of a series of lectures on layered manufacturing techniques.
Before he even said a word, he already received a standing ovation from the two hundred listeners in the room. Dini is somewhat of a kind of rock star in the world of designers and architects. His work is described in leading magazines like Wired and Fast Company. The contrast therefore is huge as he starts talking, a modest tone, in English with a fat Italian accent. Sympathetic, sometimes hesitant, but ever with a hypothermic sense of humor. Dini is anything but a slick salesman.
In his presentation, he doesn’t hide the fact that his printer was developed with a lot of trial and error. His first working prototype looked awful, but did print layers out of stone powder. Whatever it takes, he got it done. His PowerPoint presentation shows numerous pictures of Dini in overalls, sweating in a huge dusty space, along with his brother. Phpstorm 8 Download Free. Enrico Dini, civil engineer by training, has never been afraid get his hands dirty. Where does this huge passion come from?